Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events at this time.

Sponsor a Trip or Signup For One

Sponsor a Trip
Sponsor a Trip!

You or your company can sponsor a trip for up to 10 kids, to go fishing and learn about Jesus.

Our group is looking for a trip
We Would Like a Trip!

Is your group or ministry looking for a trip? Click here to see how Good News Fishing Minstry can help!

Good News Fishing Ministry
The GOOD NEWS Fishing Ministry provides an encouraging environment for the poor and underprivileged youth in our community, whereby allowing them to experience God's wondrous creation through fishing, & outdoor activities. We share the Word of God, through Holy Bible scripture, and discuss positive practical application in our daily lives, and at the same time enjoying the teamwork with each other through sport. We are an outreach for church, schools, youth groups, missions, & community programs in the area.